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Michael McCandless

The top 5 Glocks (our picks)

Updated: 4 minutes ago

The poly-striker royal family is iconic, reliable, and they are the go-to guns for so many since the 1980's. Backed by such a history and reputation, we feel it's only fair that the Glock series of pistols deserves its own top 5 list.


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While it's certainly debatable whether or not the Glock series of pistols are the most recognizable handguns of the "modern" era, their impact on the firearms industry has been enormous- millions have been made for users in militaries, police agencies, and are a favorite civilian firearm as well (in places where they are legal, of course).

They appear everywhere- in popular media, they often show up in movies and video games and are one of the few firearms (of any type) to be mentioned explicitly by name in songs with any sort of regularity. This popularity primarily stems from their widespread presence and revered reputation as one of the most reliable and easy-to-use handguns out there, as all Glocks merit exceptionally high praise in these regards.

First appearing in the early 1980's with the model 17, the family (which took its name from its designer, Gaston Glock) quickly became a favorite of many users immediately after its introduction.

While its development and adoption are a familiar story of its own (which we will save for the Glock 17's own article later), the basics are that it first came about in response to a request from the Austrian armed forces, who needed to replace their decades-old Walther P38 pistols that had been in use since the World War 2 era.

Long story short, after the Austrians tested the pistol, it set off a flurry of interest in the West, and beyond- and the love for the Glock 17 (as well as all its successors, derivatives and relatives) continues to this day.

Indeed, this light, "plastic" gun that feels more like a toy than a firearm is one of the most popular handguns of all time- more than 20 million of them have been produced as of 2020, and it doesn't seem like Glock's sales will be going anywhere except up for decades.

So, now that you understand at least little bit about the Glock family's reputation (and thus why we felt we had to make this list), we will explain our picks for the top five representatives of this iconic family- without further ado, let's get into it!


Number 1: Glock 19

Glock 19 gen 5 white background
The best of the best: this is the Glock 19 Gen 5, the latest model (image credit: Palmetto State Armory)

While it isn't the one that started it all, the Glock 19 is, in our humbly biased opinion, the most useful of the bunch given its perfect balance between size and magazine capacity (although the Glock 45 could technically also fit this role and was also a contender, we think the 19 is better overall).

One of the most popular single handgun models ever, the ability to readily conceal a pistol that holds 15 rounds in its magazine was huge for the 1980's.

While many pistols have gone the way of the Glock 19 as compact, high-capacity "poly-strikers", few have managed to actually rival the Glock 19 in terms of actual sales (although some pistols like the Smith and Wesson M&P compact series could certainly give a Glock 19 a run for its money, it's still nowhere near as popular).

Like all Glock pistols, it's supremely reliable and has a very long lifespan- many individual specimens will readily last well over 100,000 rounds, and assuming you replace parts like springs, pins etc. when necessary and only go to the range once a week to shoot maybe 100 rounds or so like many gun owners, this translates to about 20 years of use.

Furthermore, while not a perk of the weapon itself, because the Glock 19 is so popular, you're likely to find an abundance of reports confirming this as well as other feats of reliability and toughness that you may not get with some other pistols.

So, in conclusion, while it was a somewhat hard choice (given that all Glock pistols are excellent firearms), we've given the number one spot to the model 19 for its sheer usefulness and versatility given its size as well as its overall popularity and position as the best of the best in the world of poly-strikers.


Number 2: Glock 17

Glock 17 gen 5
Glock 17 Gen 5- the latest incarnation of a classic (image credit: Palmetto State Armory)

Coming in at a close second place is the grandaddy itself- the one that began the Glock legacy and likely also the most popular Glock model after the 19.

Its inception in 1981 and subsequent birth the next year eventually led to the so-called "poly-striker" craze in the United States, where polymer-framed pistols (all the critical components such as the slide, barrel, hammer etc. are still metallic) where being seen as more desirable in many ways than the older hammer-striker fired pistols, such as the SIG Sauer series of pistols.

They were lighter, easier to use (often with no manual safeties, decockers etc.) and where generally considered more practical for everyday use by many as a result.

The poly-striker obsession started by the Glock 17 shows no signs of dissipating, either- many gun owners (regardless of how many guns they own) will probably tell you their favorite/go-to/carry etc. handgun is a poly striker, and of those, the majority are almost certainly Glock pistols.

Although this legendary firearm is a full-size pistol, it feels smaller due to the aforementioned polymer construction it shares with its "children"- this has the benefit of making it a very comfortable gun to carry and, while it it's still probably too big to comfortably conceal, it's possible to do so.

Like the previous entry, it's also popular enough that there is an abundance of reports that ascertain its reliability, longevity and durability, so if you were worried that it's worth less than its smaller successor, think again- as previously mentioned, all Glocks are build, made and function roughly the same.

Overall, we're placing it at number 2. As tempting as it is to put it in the first spot, the fact it's not quite as versatile or popular as the Glock 19 means it's bumped down a place. It does everything else the Glock 19 does, however, so don't think for one second that it's somehow not worth it, because decades of excellent service have shown us that it is.


Number 3: Glock 21

Glock 21 Gen 5
Glock 21 Gen 5 (Image credit: Palmetto State Armory)

While our American bias may be showing on this one, we nonetheless felt that a .45 ACP Glock couldn't be excluded.

Coming in at 3rd place is none other than the Glock 21, which holds 13 rounds of the powerful and famous all-American cartridge that probably helped make us so vain as a nation.

Make no mistake, however- the fact it holds 13 rounds of .45 ACP by itself is pretty much the main reason people here probably buy this firearm. It might not even matter much that it's a Glock, that's just extra.

The Glock 21, again, does everything and has all the features other Glocks do, but because of .45 ACP's power compared to other calibers, it's just seen as more desirable, and perhaps not entirely without merit (it's more opinion than fact, many Americans still stick to the "bigger is better" ethos).

Overall, though, our third-place spot holder feels like it belongs, and while it may not do anything exceptionally better than any other Glock on this list, it's potential as a duty pistol and home defense weapon based on its chambering is, in the opinions of many (including ourselves) undeniable.


Number 4: Glock 43x

Glock 43x
Glock 43x (Image credit: Palmetto State Armory)

The smallest pistol on this list, it's even smaller and thus better than the Glock 19 for concealed carry.

However, I wouldn't imagine it's a great duty pistol, given that it's only able to carry 10 rounds in its magazine, but nonetheless it should be a very viable option for anyone wanting to conceal a pistol, and certainly one I wouldn't mind carrying even if I didn't have too.

It's also one of Glock's newest family members- unlike the other models here, you'll notice there's no "Gen 5" marker in the image caption. This is because there is no Gen 5, or 4, or 3 or 2 for that matter. This pistol was only introduced in 2019 and has gone on to see every bit as much success as the other Glock pistols listed here since.

Once again, it shares all the same craftsmanship and quality as it's brethren, while I couldn't find reports on longevity specifically, I wouldn't be shocked if it lasted as long as a Glock 17 or 19.

Its reliability is also superb, again, like all Glock pistols, so if you need something to easily conceal but that'll put down a bad guy reliably, one good choice would be the Glock 43x.

Overall, while it remains to be seen whether or not it will achieve the same legendary status as other Glock pistols we've listed here, our number 4th finalist has already shown that it'll stand up to any other Glock, which is nothing less than what we expected, and that's enough to make this list.


Number 5: Glock 23

Glock 23 Gen 5
Glock 23 Gen 5 (image credit: Palmetto State Armory)

Coming in last (but absolutely by no means least) is the Glock 23- another small but formidable firearm that fires the .40 Smith and Wesson cartridge.

Like the Glock family as a whole it is used by many state institutions (in this case mostly police- including the FBI) and has not been chosen lightly.

While not nearly as powerful as the .45 ACP, the .40 S&W cartridge it fires is still significantly physically more energetic on average than a 9mm round and holds 13 of them in its magazine- and given than the .40 S&W was made for police, it should make sense that a popular gun chambered for it would, in fact, be hot with police officers.

Like the Glock 19, it's in that goldilocks zone for size where it is small enough to be used for concealed carry but is also big enough to get a full grip on and holds enough rounds to be used as a duty pistol.

The toughness, reliability etc. of Glocks has already been mentioned here plenty of times and, once again, you can expect the same from the Glock 23. Period.

So, why is it number 5?

Well, it was really hard to choose beyond our number 1 and 2 spots, honestly, but because the Glock 23 has noticeably more significant recoil than any other Glock we've mentioned thus far (due to the round it fires), and because it's just not as popular or iconic as the others, it came in last.

However, it's size, record of good service and the fact that it's still a very good pistol in a very good family of pistols all ensure it makes the list.


Final thoughts

There are many Glock pistols, but they're all good enough that choosing which is the best, like we've previously said, is hard.

They all just excel at everything a firearm is supposed to do- from lasting a long time to being reliable (and not breaking the bank, which we forget to mention), they just do everything right.

It's no wonder they're so popular and so loved, and while they aren't my favorite pistols personally speaking, their status is clear, their actual impact on the world of firearms is clearer, and their reputation is rock solid.

They're just great guns and are more than worthy of their own article here.



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